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  1. Description of jobs/skills referentials and jobs and skills forecast management  

  2. Management policies and skills development: master plan for management and skills development 

  3. Development of collective skills in an organization 

  4. Development and efficacy of networking  

  5. Devising collective and custom-made training and professionalization schemes 

  6. Engineering professionalization training systems 

  7. Implementation of a skills approach in training programmes, high school teaching and universities

1 - Description of jobs/skills referentials and jobs and skills forecast management 

To describe the referentials, Le Boterf Conseil has developed and uses a specific method. The originality of the method lies in the fact that no task sheets or skills lists are compiled, but emphasis is placed on what it means for a professional to act with skill in work situations corresponding to his/her job. 

This technique serves to unfold the probable development scenario of jobs and their associated skills with recourse to a method of impact assessment of the jobs.

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2- Management policies and skills development: master plan for management and skills development 

This technique allows the development of a skills guidance tool to be utilized by the Human Resources Management of a business or organization. This decision-making tool serves as an adjunct to allow pertinent and consistent decisions to be taken on the different levers of an HR policy (recruitment, settlement, training, mobility, work organization, assessment, remuneration …) to maximize the opportunities for reliance in due course on the implementation of individual and collective skills necessary for the success of a business or institutional project. 

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3- Development of collective skills in an organization 

Le Boterf Conseil has played a pioneering role in promoting the collective skills of an organization. The technique allows businesses or organizations to map out the collective skills needed and to identify the set of conditions required to maximize the likelihood of such skills being utilized effectively. 

This approach offers a triple access route to promote collective skills with the appropriate tools: analysis of the collective dimension of individual skills, a map of key collaborations to be implemented, identification and management of the collective know-how of a business or organization. 

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4- Development and efficacy of networking 

Starting from one type of networking, the method allows users to locate and develop already existing work systems, make a diagnosis of how they work and identify a set of conditions required to optimize the efficiency of a network bearing in mind its specific features. 

This methodological approach is designed both for networks targeted at collective actions (projects, innovation, production ...), and networks for mutual benefit and the capitalization of professional practices, namely communities of practice. 

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5- Devising collective and custom-made training and professionalization schemes 

The method serves to design and implement professionalization and training schemes as if they were navigation paths. Starting from a map of possible professionalization opportunities and the positioning of professionalization candidates, uniform or differentiated paths can be mapped out together with the conditions for their success. 

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6- Engineering professionalization training systems 

For a number of years Guy Le Boterf has developed engineering methods and tools to enhance the professionalization of training systems and make them more efficient (learning centres, training bodies, training schemes, professional training institutes ...). 

These methods are based on the AP+ “Act professionally” approach outlined above, a method designed to prepare trainees to act skilfully in a professional situation. 

The methods offer effective solutions to plan and organize tutoring, alternation, teaching simulation, professionalizing work situations, skills evaluation and professional growth

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7- Implementation of a skills approach in training programmes, high school teaching and universities 

Guy Le Boterf has devised a method to develop higher education programmes (universities, colleges, higher education institutions ...) to ensure they fulfil not only the traditional university missions (transmission of high level scientific and technical knowledge, development of a general culture, cultivating awareness of major social challenges, research...), but also prepare students well to act skilfully in myriad complex professional situations. 

The method also addresses the need to make available the working and organizational conditions compatible with such development.